We Coproduce - our previous projects
We Coproduce was an award winning CIC, incubated inside the NHS. Run by people who use services, carers and front line staff. We have over 15 years hands on experience coproducing locally and nationally, with NHS providers and commissioners - working from board to ward and across diverse communities.
Incubated in 2013 in response to the new commissioning framework and the Francis Report we were grass roots up. Driven by our terms of reference we worked throughout austerity, within the context of addressing the wider determinants of health, access and outcome disparity and around issues of social injustice.
Working strategically with local transformation boards, integrated care programmes and local and national commissioners on large scale whole systems integrated care projects, transformation agendas, QI initiatives, research, safety and high intensity use of A&E.
We bring all of this unique, hands-on experience and our extensive networks into the next phase - Coproduction 2.0 - The Coproduction Academy.
Please enjoy some of our favourite work.